TUESDAY June 28th, Barcelona


 Workday at UPC in Barcelona:

  •   - Analysis and verification the electrical interfaces of Telos mote wireless system with the valve;
  •   - Test at UPC labs of the Telos mote wireless system using the lab set-up;
  •   - Analysis of the current AGBAR valve controller;
  •   - Study of a possible model for the valve;
  •   - Design of a PWM strategy to convert continuous control to opening/closing digital valve signals;
  • WEDNESDAY June 29th, Barcelona


     Experimentation at the AGBAR valve site

  •   - Data acquisition using National Instruments system using different set-points;
  •   - Data acquisition using Telos systems;
  •   - Treatment of the data collected from the valve using National Instruments system to produce a model for the valve.
  • THURSDAY June 30th, Barcelona


     Workday at UPC in Barcelona:

  •   - Valve identification using data acquired using National Instruments system;
  •   - Identification of the wireless/communication model using data acquired using the wireless systems (not yet finished);
  •   - Design of simple controllers (not yet finished);
  •   - Implementation of the simple controllers in Telos;
  •   - Validation of the simple controllers implemented in Telos using the UPC lab set-ups.
  • FRIDAY JULY 1th, Barcelona


     Experimentation at the AGBAR valve site:

  •   - More data of the valve has been obtained in order to validate the experiments did on Tuesday 10/11;
  •   - More data used for the calibrating the wireless model has been also obtained to improve the wireless model;
  •   - Test of the current AGBAR controller using wireless controller implemented using Telos system (not yet finished).


        Conclusion and future work  

     - A electrical bridge to link Telos systems has been developed and validated in the UPC lab. However, when experimenting the closed loop at AGBAR valve site on Thursday 11/11/2010 some electrical problems with the interface between National Instruments equipment and electrical valve commands was discovered that prevent finishing the experiment. The problem appears because the relay system we have developed does not close or always in the right way. Probably, a new ouput card for the National Instruments systems should be bought to skip the hand made relay system.

     - Regarding the valve model we have it looks like there are some difficulties in identyfing the dynamics of the motor of the servovale since there is no sensor that measures the position. We are trying to estimate the position with the current measurements (donwstream pressure, difference between upstream and downstream pressures and flow). Some more work will have to be done with the data collected on Thursday 11/11/2010.

     - Regarding the wireless model Volkan will deliver the model he has produced to all the partners.

     - Regarding closing the loop using simple controllers implemented using the Telos system it is post-poned until the electrical problem with the relay interface system is not solved. Once, it is solved we will go again to the valve site and we will try the controllers alreday implemented using Telos. Volkan has let at UPC the Telos system after asking Mika.

     - We will start producing a report describing the models that we have produced to share them between the partners as well as the data that we have collected.

     - The implementation of the PWM to operate the opening/closing of the valve should be investigated in order to see the feasibility of implementation regarding the current relay technology installed in the valve site.




    AGBAR Meritxell Minoves Engineer
    UPC Vicenç Puig Professor
    Carlos Ocampo-Martínez Post Doc
    Juli Romera Engineer
    UNITN Davide Barcelli PhD Student
    TUE Nick Bauer PhD Student
    KTH Volkan Ungan PhD Student



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