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HYCON2 living web survey on existing MATLAB tools for system-wide, networked, and embedded control design, analysis and simulation
HYCON2 living web survey on existing MATLAB tools for system-wide, networked, and embedded control design, analysis and simulation.
This site is part of the activities of the HYCON2 Work Package 6 "Tool Integration".

Latest revision as of 16:55, 1 September 2012

HYCON2 living web survey on existing MATLAB tools for system-wide, networked, and embedded control design, analysis and simulation.

This site is part of the activities of the HYCON2 Work Package 6 "Tool Integration".



A good control theory needs the support of a good tool to have an impact. A variety of tools exists for analysis and design of networked control systems, but similar problems are often tackled with different approaches, and it is often unclear which approach is better for which problem. The development of such tools is scattered through different research projects running in parallel (such as in FP7-ICT projects). The goal of this wiki site is to integrate such efforts in a constructive way, to address the control design challenges set by application domains such as transportation, energy, and biomedical systems.

Being each tool the result of academic research in a particular field, the offered functionalities are quite specific, although carefully designed and tested. Most software tools are standalone, and consequently an user requiring simultaneously multiple functionalities needs to search for them on the web and solve interfacing issues.

To start overcoming these issues, this living wiki site was setup with the purpose of creating a self-updating reference. This has the goal of acting as an up-to-date documentation for each of the toolboxes that were detected as relevant to advanced control systems, providing links to developers and downloads, and in the future to new interfaces between different toolboxes and common benchmarks, with the aim of further disseminating the tools in academia and industry.

This work is supported by the European Network of Excellence "HYCON2 - Highly complex and networked control systems" within the activities of WP6 "Tool Integration".

GODEL Gene ordinary differential equation library

GODEL is a GNU-licensed Simulink library that has been designed for easing modelling and simulation of genetic regulatory networks. In particular, GODEL focuses on dynamic models of gene networks based on ordinary differential equations with a Boolean-like structure and allows one to quickly draw and simulate them using the graphical capabilities of Simulink. Compared to existing MatLab tools with similar capabilities, GODEL is characterised by an intuitive interface and a very mild learning curve.

GODEL enjoys the following features:

  • gene blocks with dynamical auto-labelling of input/output ports in order to easily keep track of gene products names in complex models;
  • pre-defined MatLab commands for defining Hill and piecewise multi-affine sigmoidal functions;
  • gene blocks implementing the ODE counterpart of basic Boolean functions;
  • sampler blocks that allows one generate samples of gene product concentrations, add measurement noise and save the data for further processing in MatLab. If you have problems with finding a reliable essay service that offers assistance not only with creating essays but term and research paper writing as well, I highly recommend you to visit BestWritingService.Com.

Moreover, the use standard Simulink blocks allows one to easily enhance genetic network models with biological processes not considered in GODEL, e.g. protein-protein reactions or stochastic fluctuations of gene products. Further details on Boolean-like models of genetic networks and the use of GODEL can be found here.

GODEL is currently in beta testing. An up-to-date version of the code can be obtained contacting the author Giancarlo Ferrari-Trecate.

HYSDEL 3.0 Hybrid systems description language

HYSDEL represents an universal tool to create hybrid system models. HYSDEL uses specific operators to define complex relations, as on-off switches, logical rules, interconnections, as any other modeling language, and translates this description to a process model given by Mixed Logical Dynamics (MLD). The main advantage of HYSDEL is that the generated model can be easily deployed for analysis and synthesis of optimal controllers because the MLD model is specially suitable for optimization.

For further details see HYSDEL main page.

MPT 3.0 Multi parametric toolbox

The tool for multiparametric optimization that has been tested with more over 10000 downloads. Suitable for design and analysis of optimal controllers for hybrid systems, fully compatible with processing models described with HYSDEL.

Find out more at MPT main page.

Hybrid Toolbox

The Hybrid Toolbox is a MATLAB/Simulink toolbox for modeling, simulating, and verifying hybrid dynamical systems, for designing and simulating model predictive controllers for hybrid systems subject to constraints, and for generating linear and hybrid MPC control laws in piecewise affine form that can be directly embedded as C-code in real-time applications.

For more information and downloads go to the Hybrid Toolbox main page.

The code is free for download for non-commercial use, commercial users interested in obtaining the code should contact the author Alberto Bemporad.

MOBY-DIC Toolbox


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    • Please add below a short list of main functionalities

WIDE Toolbox

Getting started (to be removed ASAP)


A short overview of page creation is available in section Instructions.

WP6 Benchmarks

Benchmark files are available here