Submission of regular and short papers is now closed. However, it is possible to submit posters to HSCC'07 until February 5, 2007
Please find below instructions and information for
Submission of Posters
Submission of Tool Demos
Instructions for Oral Presentations
Submission of Final Manuscripts
Submission of Posters
Poster submission is open until February 15, 2007 (extended deadline). Notification of acceptance for these submissions is scheduled for February 25, 2007.
- NEW POSTERS: If you wish to present your work at HSCC'07 but have no paper accepted, you can still submit a Poster by February 15, 2007. Posters submitted in this phase are *not* associated with a paper in printed proceedings
- POSTERS ASSOCIATED WITH SHORT PAPERS: If you have already submitted a manuscript which was accepted as a short paper with poster presentation, your poster will not be further reviewed for scientific contents. However, we do encourage that you prepare your poster according to the template provided below, and submit it mentioning the accompanying paper number.
Posters should be submitted in electronic format by email to with subject
"HSCC07 - Poster submission".
Poster format
The Corresponding Author's name(s), affiliations, postal and email address should be included. A style file is available for reference
The style file is not mandatory, however it provides useful guidelines and some uniformity of style. Please convert your file in either PDF or PS format before submission.
Each accepted poster will be provided with a vertical stand, allowing for formats up to A0 (841x1189 mm, or 33.11x46.81 in).
Authors should bring their own printed copy of the poster.
Additional equipment (such as tables, electrical power, network connection, etc.) might be available upon special request only.
If work reported in the poster is related to a Tool Demo also to be submitted to the Conference (see below), this should be explicitly stated in the demo abstract.
Submission of Tool Demos
A concise abstract (one page max.) describing the tool purpose, the demo organization, and equipment, possibly including pictures and other explanatory material, should be submitted by February 15, 2007 (extended deadline) . The Corresponding Author's name(s), affiliations, postal and email address should be included.
Should the demo be related to work presented in a paper or poster of the Conference, please mention this explicitly.
Each accepted Tool Demo will be provided with a table and electric power (low wattage). Additional equipment (such as a poster stand, extra electrical power, network connection, etc.) might be available on request.
Submit your Tool Demo to the HSCC'07 Chairs directly via email to with subject "HSCC07 - Tool demo submission".
Instructions for Oral Presentations
Oral presentations will be in a single track in the Conference Auditorium. Each talk is 20 minutes, plus 5 minutes for discussion. Only electronic slide projection will be accepted. A PC and video projector will be available.
It is recommended that authors prepare their presentation file on a CD or USB memory stick. Adobe PDF, Postscript, and Powerpoint presentation formats will be supported by suitable viewer applications.
In the interest of timing, the usage for presentations of different media (such as overhead projectors for transparencies or TV/VHS tapes) is discouraged. In particular cases and for special needs, please contact the organizers.
Final Manuscript Submission
The conference publication policy is that at least one regular registration per paper must be received for inclusion in the proceedings.
Please read the following instructions carefully !
Regular Papers:
Accepted regular papers will be allotted 14 pages each in the LNCS format in a volume to be published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.
Short Papers:
Accepted short papers will be allotted 4 pages each in the LNCS format in the same volume (the deadline for submitting the associated poster for presentation at the workshop will be announced later ).
The extra page charge is 50€ per page. For typographical reasons, only an even number of extra pages can be accepted (see Registration)
We require that all final submitted papers are written with LaTeX2e ONLY. No other format can be accepted.
Step-by-step final paper submission guidelines:
1. Manuscripts must be accompanied by a signed copyright form included in the template archive (see below) or downloadable here. It must then be faxed to +39 050 882.003, or sent by mail to
Prof. Giorgio Buttazzo
Scuola Superiore S. Anna
Via Moruzzi, 1
56124 Pisa, Italy
or uploaded in electronic form here (see instruction 8. below).
2. Download the zipped template folder and uncompress it in your working directory. "xxx_hscc2007.tex" is the main LaTeX2e template in which you prepare your final paper (it is the same template that was indicated for paper submission).
More information and the original source (llncs2e package of Springer) of the provided files can be found at:
3. Rename the main folder and all included LaTeX2e related files from `xxx_' to your (3 digit) confirmation number that you received in the acceptance letter.
Example: if your confirmation number is 98 then use `098_'. More in detail, rename the following files and folder in the following way:
- files: from xxx_hscc2007.tex to 098_hscc2007.tex (the same holds for *.dvi, *.ps, *.pdf, *.aux, *.bib, *.bbl, *.blg, *.log, ...);
- folder: from xxx_hscc2007 to 098_hscc2007.
4. Do not change and do not rename by any means the LNCS class-files: llncs.cls, splncs.bst. Other LaTeX2e classes or style files will not be included. If you have to define commands or other in LaTeX2e: use the specified area in the main LaTeX2e template `xxx_hscc2007.tex'.
5. Put all your figures as EPS-files into the folder `figures'.
Other picture or figure formats (*.jpg, *.gif, etc.) will not be supported.
6. Produce a (good quality) PDF file.
7. The complete folder `xxx_hscc2007' must be compressed in one of the following compression formats: *.zip, *.rar, *.tar.gz.
8. Upload here the compressed folder and PDF file (and optionally the copyright form) by using the access information sent in the acceptance letter.
For questions related to the above given guidelines and requirements for preparing your final manuscript contact .