Alberto Bemporad
Professor of Control Systems
IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca
Piazza San Francesco 19, 55100 Lucca, Italy [map]
Tel: +39 0583 4326600, Fax: +39 02 700 543345

Research. My main research interests are in model predictive control, numerical optimization, machine learning, system identification, hybrid systems, automotive control, aerospace control, portfolio optimization, control of smart energy grids.
Funded projects
Research group
My interviews at Mathworks on how to design and implement MPC controllers.
My Google Scholar page. My Youtube
Teaching. I teach the following PhD courses:
Model Predictive Control
Introduction to Machine Learning
Numerical Optimization
Identification, Analysis, and Control of Dynamical Systems
Undergraduate courses, short courses, and other courses/lectures
Events. PhD Schools, workshops and conferences
About me. Short biography