How to install cplexint90! 1) Install Cplex 9: - install license manager - install ILOG Cplex - install ILOG Solver (optional) - be sure your licence file access.ilm is in .\ILOG\ILM 2) Download cplexint and add the folder to the MATLAB path 3) Open MakefileWin.m and set the correct path (usually Cplex is written with the capitol C) 4) Set the mex compiler with the command: mex -setup Visual Studio is ok, the default Lcc does not work. if the compiler is not automatically detected by Matlab select it from a list and set the correct path 4.1) If you want to the test the mex compiler try to compile the following c code: #include "mex.h" void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[ ],int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[ ]) { mexPrintf("Hello, world!\n"); } save this code and name it text_mex.c. matlab:>> mex text_mex.c %--> now you should have text_mex.mexw32, i.e. the mex function matlab:>> text_mex you should get: matlab:>> text_mex Hello world! :>> 5) Run MakefileWin.m to compile cplexint.c and quit Matlab 6) Control Panel-> System properties-> Advanced-> Environment variables Add to Path the .\ILOG\Cplex90\bin\win32 (or in general the cplex.exe path) 7) restart matlab and run test_cplexint By : - Davide Barcelli, - Giulio Ripaccioli,